27. Generating Containers with connect() from React Redux (VisibleTodoList)

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Now that we have react-redux, we are using its Provider component to pass store down via context.

Our container components are similar: they need to re-render when the store's state changes, they need to unsubscribe from the store when they unmount, and they take the current state from the Redux store and use it to render the presentational components with some props that they calculate.

They also need to specify the contextTypes to get the store from the context.

We're going to write VisibleTodoList in a different way now.

We'll start by writing a function mapStateToProps which takes the Redux store's state, and returns the props that we need to pass to the presentational TodoList component so it can be rendered with the current state.

In this case, TodoList only takes a single prop called todos, so we can move the expression into our mapStateToProps function. It returns the props that depend on the current state of the Redux store, which in this case is just the todos.

const mapStateToProps = (state) => {
  return {
    todos: getVisibleTodos (

Now we'll create another function called mapDispatchToProps that accepts the dispatch() from store as its only argument. It returns the props that should be passed to the TodoList component that depend on the dispatch() method. In the case of TodoList, the only prop that TodoList took that requires store.dispatch() is onTodoClick. So we will remove onTodoClick from TodoList and put it into mapDispatchToProps's return. Note that we don't need the reference to store anymore, and can just change store.dispatch() to just dispatch(), which is provided as an argument to matchDispatchToProps.

const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch) => {
  return {
    onTodoClick: (id) => {
        type: 'TOGGLE_TODO',
Review of what we just did...

We now have two functions:

A function mapStateToProps that maps the Redux store's state to the props of the TodoList component that are related to the data from the Redux store. These props will be updated any time the state changes

We also created a function mapDispatchToProps that maps the store's dispatch() method of and returns the props that use the dispatch method to dispatch actions. So it returns the callback props needed by the presentational component. It specifies the behavior of which callback prop dispatches which action.

The connect() function

Together, these two new functions describe a container component so well that instead of writing it we can generate it by using the connect() function provided by react-redux.

Now instead of creating a VisibleTodoList class, we can declare a variable and use the connect() method to obtain it. We'll pass in mapStateToProps as the first argument, and mapDispatchToProps as the second. As this is a curried function, we must call it again, passing in the presentational component that we want it to wrap and pass the props, thereby connecting to the redux store (in this case, TodoList).

The result of the connect call is the container component that is going to render the presentational component. It will calculate the props to pass to the presentational component by merging the objects returned from mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps, and its own props

const { connect } = ReactRedux;
// import { connect } from 'react-redux';

const VisibleTodoList = connect(

The connect() function will generate the component just like the one we wrote by hand, so we don't have to write the code to subscribe to the store or to specify the context types manually.

3:41 in the video has the recap of what we've just done.

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