JavaScript UT Packages
JS/ReactJS/Redux packages that focus on the UT task.
package | part played in UT ecosystem |
analyze-es6-modules | static analysis of ES6 modules determining if imports and exports align |
eslint | Pluggable static code analysis (linting) utility for JavaScript. |
eslint-plugin-react | React specific linting rules for ESLint. |
babel-eslint | ESLint using Babel as the parser. |
isparta-instrumenter-loader | Instrument Babel code using IsParta; leverages Istanbul |
karma | test runner |
karma-coverage | Karma adapter to run Istanbul code coverage. |
karma-babel-preprocessor | Preprocessor to compile ES6 on the fly with Babel. |
karma-mocha | Karma adapter to leverage Mocha. See 'mocha' below… |
karma-chai | Karma adapter to leverage Chai. See 'chai' below… |
karma-phantomjs-launcher | Karma PhantomJS launcher. |
karma-slimerjs-launcher | Karma SlimerJS launcher. |
karma-firefox-launcher | Karma Firefox launcher. |
karma-chrome-launcher | Karma Chrome launcher. |
karma-ie-launcher | Karma IE launcher. |
karma-sourcemap-loader | Allows Karma to load source maps from transpiled Babel code. |
karma-spec-reporter | Test reporter, that prints detailed results to console. |
karma-webpack | the link between the two. |
karma-webpack-with-fast-source-maps | fork of karma-webpack . One or the other! |
phantomjs-prebuilt | installer for PhantomJS, headless webkit with JS API. |
phantomjs-polyfill | polyfill for function.prototype.bind missing from PhantomJS. |
slimerjs | like PhantomJs, except that it runs on top of Gecko, Firefox's browser engine |
mockery | pulls in mocks packages instead of the original module at import |
mock-fs | |
fetch-mock | |
mocha | Cheat Sheet A feature-rich JavaScript test framework that simplifies async testing. |
codeceptjs | acceptance tests from a user's perspective. |
chai | Cheat Sheet a BDD / TDD assertion library |
sinon | Cheat Sheet |
sinon-chia | Cheat Sheet extends Chai with assertions for the Sinon.JS mocking framework. |
expect | expect is a more compact alternative to Chai or Sinon.JS. |
expect-predicate | an extension for expect that lets you test values against arbitrary predicates |
expect-jsx | toEqualJSX for mjackson/expect. Can to turn React elements into JSX strings. |
jsx-chai | a port of Algolia's expect-jsx for the Chai assertion library. |
enzyme | makes it easier to assert, manipulate, and traverse React Components content. |
chai-enzyme | Chai assertions for enzyme |
react-addons-test-utils | Tools to assist testing React. |
legit-tests | a chainable testing library for React. Replacement for react-addons-test-utils |
react-dnd-test-backend | Test React Dnd. |
react-unit | obviates the need for PhantomJS. |
redux-mock-store | mock store for testing redux async action creators and middleware. |
generator-react-cdk | React CDK creates React boilerplate. React-CDK tool versions are maintained by author. |