Clone and Run Example Project


% git clone
% cd Kanban

Required: Node & NPM.

NPM is kinda analogous to the Maven/Nexus package repository thing for JavaScript. We'll use npm to install all the JavaScript packages that the Kanban project is dependent. The app's runtime is dependent upon few packages, but there are many development dependencies.

Is node & npm installed already?

% node -v
% npm -v

Get a version response? Be certain npm > 3.x.x.

Need to install node/npm?

Are you still in the Kanban installation directory? If so, …

% npm install
... lots of terminal activity...

Succeed? Cool. chromedriver works great for me on OS X to run tests against Google Chrome. Unfortunately, I have difficulty using chromedriver on my Windoze 7 PC to run tests against Google Chrome. Your mileage may vary.

The following commands open the browser and run the tests. Again, on my Windoze 7 box, Firefox seems to take a long time to launch the 1st time. May be busy swapping memory out...

% npm run acceptance-NW-firefox
% npm run acceptance-NW-chrome

If you can and are just testing against Chrome, you don't need to start the selenium-server-standalone.jar Java server. To do that, edit ./nightwatch.json and change "selenium" --> "__commentOut selenium".